Do You Hear the People Sing?
Welcome to the rebellious, badly-HTML-coded "Multimedia" section of Le Cafe Musain. We are not proud of the fact that Jai doesn't know her HTML to save her life, nonono... (Say it with me now : "coding is our friend") *Anyway*, right now, this page looks like trash because the demmed computer Gods hate Jai. Enjoy.
The Synopsis : New to Les Miserables? This would be the first thing to read, otherwise... well... you'll be very lost to say the least. Taken from The Official Site.
The Broadway Review : Reviews on the 3NT, this being the cast that Jai (and Olivia) saw. Jai fell in love with Tim Howar... but... that's another story entirely.
Fox Family Movie Review : Fox Family presented a *wonderful* adaptation of Les Miserables. Read about it in Jai's long-winded review!
Our Dream Cast : Now, if only we were in charge of the casting for the Tenth Anniversary Concert... not too much would be different, we'll give ya that! Check our our changes!
Recordings : Wondering which of the many recordings to buy? Since between your two webmistress, we've got many of 'em, we'll tell ya what we think of what we've got. This will help you in getting your copy!
Liberatto : Technically, we're not sure if we can have this online, but... heck, if we're asked to take it down, we will. As the name implies...
Pictures : Hope these titles aren't too misleading, now. Currently, there's only pics from Jai's little venture down to Rhode Island to see the Worlds Most Popular Musical. Enjoy! (Lots of Tim Howar and Regan Theil!)