Must we continue to lift our eyes to Heaven? : Updates
August 24th, 2001 : High time we updated, no? Okay, well, this time, we did some pretty big stuff, given what we'd done lately. You know... nothing. Part IV of "Les Amis - Welcome to the Future" is online, so I don't want to hear anyone bicker. ^_^ I know the link to part 5 isn't working -- that's because I ahve yet to upload. I also uploaded another piece of fanfiction I wrote about Enjolras -- it's all in the Backroom for your reading pleasure. Also back there, I updated the Intellectual Terrorists section, with a few interesting updates. Other than that... nothing. Ses has some stuff yet, but alas, 'tis not typed. Have fun everyone.
June 3rd, 2001 : Okay, well, this isn't really an update. It's more of a reminder to everyone! Tonight, starting at 7:00 on PBS, the Tony's are on. This has nothing to do with Les Mis, because the show's been around for fourteen years, but Jane Eyre will be on, nominated for five Tony awards. The show is AWESOME, and needs all the support it can get! There's been alot of controversy and problems with the show, involving funding issues, Ticketmaster screwing up (again), and even issues with the amount of time the show will get tonight on the Tonys!! So, watch, be amazed at James and Marla, and be happy!
Also, on June 5th and 6th, I will be honoring Les Amis by wearing Red and Black clothing. (It will be the anniversary of their uprising!) Now, if you are truly a Les Amis fan, you'll do the same -- I mean, it's not that hard... wear a pair of black pants, whatever shirt you want, and then a red ribbon! (Les Amis, *and* BC-EFA!) heh, I better start painting my nails tricolour now...
Okay, there are my reminders. Be happy everyone. HAPPY TONY DAY!!
Love and Les Mis,
May 31st, 2001 : It's a Christmas Miracle!! We updated!! Woo!! Anyway, it's nothing huge... well, it is actually. BIG news. And not the good kind. Go check out "Intellectual Terrorists" for the whole story. If you didn't like "Cosette", you're in for a *REAL* treat...
And Ses just celebrated her birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SES!! Without Ses, this little tribute would be in a pretty sad state...
March 17th, 2001 : Nothing major this time -- just added a piece of fiction that I wrote (on The Scarlet Pimpernel, oddly enough) "Why Don't You Ever Smile, Monsieur?" focuses on Chauvelin and a little street waif named Francesca. Um, it's not Les Mis, but it's a sweet little piece of fluff. Love and Les Mis, March 2nd, 2001 : Finally managed to finish the Fox Family Channel Review this morning. I also went through, and fixed some dead picture links and bad font stuff. >.< Yea, html hates me, what can I say?
Love and Les Mis, February 13th, 2001 : Happy one-day-early St. Valentine's day, mes amis! Just a quick little update because I was bored, and had a half day of school today -- The Synopsis is now online. That, and I was just cast into my school's musical production of "Schoolhouse Rock, Live!", which isn't important, but I'm happy. Go figure.
Love and Les Mis, February 11th, 2001 : Heh, okay, so there aren't many huge updates, I know. ^_^ Actually, today, I fixed a few dead picture and evil font links, and I added two new links. Mostly just little stuff here and there, but it counts, and think of it this way -- I was being good, and got of my lazy arse to update HTML stuff. Go me. Still working on those reviews, btw. I haven't forgotten.
Love and Les Mis, January 14th, 2001 : Heyla, it's 3:26 Eastern US time, Jai's bored, and she updated. Woo. Um, firstly, I added some new links. Hurray for me. Also, added Cosette's question page, and um... shoot, I did something else, that I know I forgot. Oh! I'm in the progress of writing a review of the Fox Family Channel version of Les Miserables. Guys, if you didn't see it, you totally missed out on what might be the best Les Mis movie yet. I loved it. Um, that'll be up next time.
Love and Les Mis, January 10th, 2001 : Firstly, happy new year everyone. Second, yea, I'm quite upset. Something I didn't like was left in the guestbook, and now you too can read Why We Don't Update Our Site . Feh. Also, added a new question to Javert and... um, whatever else we forgot.
December 17th, 2000 : Alright, it's 12:03 in the morning, and I'm keeping this short and sweet. At long last, there's another update, so rejoice immensely. Um, I put up Javert's Question page, and a Really Off-Topic Quotes page... I'd stop to write more, but quite honestly, I have a dance performance later today, and I need to sleep... so... enjoy the update.
Love and Les Mis, November 19th, 2000 : Heh... um... salut mes amis. I know you're probably ready to kill the two of us if you're reading this, wondering where the heck our updates flew off to. Well, in all honesty, we're both really busy individuals. This isn't really an update, but more an FYI... Jai's e-mail has once again changed. She can be reached at Happy day, etc. Tons of apologies for no real updates in a forever. 'Hyde', Jai's demon machine has bit the dust, taking all of her website files with it. Woo. So, in trying to learn HTML coding, there's no real update to speak of. Don't hate us because we're simple. October 2nd, 2000 : Okay, so
we're really slow? Non, actually, we're just really busy with
school back in session and well... family crap, and dance
lessons, and drama... Anyway, that's why there aren't any updates
as of late. September 17th, 2000 : Dear God,
it has been forever. Well, to but it simply -- Jai's laptop broke
down, and couldn't get online for about a month, and all the page
was on her computer. Alright, well anyway, stuff is back up, so
yay for updates. August 7th, 2000 : Just a little
update today... I added another piece to "Les
Amis - Welcome to the Future" for all the poor people
who decided they liked it. (It's icky... >.<) Hee... I saw The Scarlet Pimpernel
yesterday, for anyone who cares. I might even write a review, but
I doubt it. It has nothing to do with Les Mis. ^^ Just hyper, I
guess. Also, due to some stuff personal stuff, Dream
Cast and Profile
construction has been paused until we can really sit down and
talk about them. Stuff goes on with Ses, and I'm wicked busy. @.@
So give it a lil' while, hm? Fancy... we've got Phantom, but no
Les Mis. <sighs> Oh well? The Pimpernel is ME! July 21st, 2000 : Ya-va!! Stuff
happens, we say!!! Finally, Jai's scanner was reconnected, and
saved, and junk, and in something like two hours, she managed to
scan all of her pictures from her adventure. Therefore, the picture
gallery is now online. Currently, all you'll find there are
the pictures from Rhode Island, but they're... demmed funny. You know you love us, July 12th, 2000 : Hee... er...
Ses has been back for about... say, a week or so now. ^-^ Jai's
just been at Camp, so she hasn't been able to update as often as
before. July 1st 2000 : Whilst Ses is
away, I managed to get a little bit done. I've started my endless
task of recording sounds from three recordings. I've tested this,
and for some reason, the sounds will not load. Thus, we have no
sounds. I'll keep fooling around with it in hopes of them
working... that's always nice. Much Love, June 29th 2000 : Right-spiffy
Les Mis fans! Ses is on her way... uh, she's just on her way!
She's off to see her family, so please, don't
email her for fear of Stan beating you senseless. We won't pay
hospital bills, fyi. Ses'll be working on chara profiles while on
vacation, so we can all look forward to those!
A-kay, there's a whole new section in the making -- currently
there are only two posts up. This section is called There's
a New World to Be Won!, and basically asks questions that
make Les Mis fans think -- it's pretty nifty if I do say so
m'self. Also, Gavroche's
profile is finally up. I'm sure there's more... in the mean
time, deal with it, and LIKE it.
All ri', down to business -- it's a fairly small update, until
stuff at both of our homes calms down. (Lots of stuff is going on
at both our homes, trust us... >.<) Marius'
Profile is now online, yay, and junk. Gavroche is in the
making, and there's a fairly non-interesting, and
slightly-humerous Quotes
page, from Jai's side. Ses is on there bunches, too. Eh... it's
We're also in the middle of another list... Run while there's
still time!
Jai... who isn't
the Pimpernel, BTW...
We didnt' forget about all the other pictures, tho! Currently,
they're being uploaded and linked. This is not a simple task,
however. Please, DO NOT use the pictures linked now. There will
be some up for grabs, but until then... don't even think about
Olivia... and her evil brain. She sent us a new line for "TOBWNS",
which has been added. Look under Enjolras.
And because she just remembered -- Jai will be training with the
Russian Ballet starting July 24th. Therefore, don't email her
after then... and don't expect too much... She'll be dead by the
time she survives the wrath of ... good dancers.
Ses and Jai
Apparently, there's something wrong with our counter. It... got
reset, as it *WAS* a bit over 100 visitors, now... we're...
possibly 50? That's odd, but if anyone knows where we can get a
better, more accutrate counter, please tell us. We'll be forever
in debt.
New stuff : Whoo, *mandatory* update in 'Things
Our Boys Would Never Say' (It's Ses' fault, REALLY!). There's
story which goes with it, which can be found linked in the 'TOBWNS'
part, but cause we're nice... use the above link. Other than
that, nothing new for awhile... <shrug> Enjoy?
Broadway Review is now up and running. As soon as my scanner
is fixed, I'll post pictures of Tim Howar, Regan Thiel and
myself. <drools> Those were excellent, mostly because Tim
was in 'em. Also, some of Manda... 'cause, well, she was there
Once Ses returns, we can all look forward to Character
Profiles, and Dream
Casts, and... other insane stuffs. Adieu for the moment, mes
Speaking of character profiles, Combeferre and Jean Prouvaire
are finally up, thanks to the fact that Jai was feeling
motivated. Thankyou Kym for
informing us of the current Combeferre!
Eternally in debt (as if we weren't already!), we luv ya!
Lessee... OH! 'Things Our Boys Would Never Say' is now up... the first page, at least. Jai is
looking into getting her scanner fixed to actually scan pics from
when she saw Les Mis in Rhode Island (GOOOOOO Tim Howar! They're
mostly of him, fyi). Also, her Broadway Review might actually be
online... eventually...
Speaking of Tim Howar -- try our Dream Casts
section... currently, only The Phantom of the Opera is online, and the Scarlet Pimpernel and Les Mis
won't be ready until Ses gets back. Mostly because... well... we
do them together? Yea, that!
Summer is a *VERY* good thing, very good... Keep an eye out for
other update, 'cause we say so... there are bound to be more
before the week closes.